CANNABOOST Accelerator

Would you like large, tasty fruits on your plant? CANNABOOST Accelerator is an additive with a yield and quality improving effect, resulting in larger, firmer and tastier fruits.

€ 30.95 € 30.95 30.95 EUR

€ 25.58

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Product information
CANNABOOST is not a food like most boosters on the market but increases the metabolism of the plant. This is important because the absorption of nutrients is highly dependent on the health and metabolism of the plant.

Benefits of CANNABOOST Accelerator

Better harvest
CANNABOOST stimulates the development of new flowers. This can make the fruits heavier than normal. Because the ripening of the fruits is also more gradual, this results in a more uniform harvest. Something very special about CANNABOOST is that it not only stimulates high yields, but also the taste. Something extra for the CANNA grower!

The bloom regulators in CANNABOOST help the plant to dose the available energy – both the naturally occurring bloom substances and the bloom stimulators in the additive. This makes maturing more gradual. The fruits can develop regularly, resulting in a homogeneous quality.

Fuller, powerful taste
CANNABOOST accelerates the photosynthesis rate and thus increases sugar production in the fruits. This makes the taste sweeter and the natural flavors in the fruits will be produced in higher concentrations. The stronger scent of the essential oils in the fruit speaks volumes.

Even higher yields in combination with PK 13/14
CANNABOOST increases plant photosynthesis (one of the reactions that determine a plant's metabolism). Due to this increase, the fruits are formed faster. Even better results can be achieved using the trusted CANNA power supply in combination with CANNA PK 13/14. This is because PK 13/14 provides the plant with extra flowering elements, while CANNABOOST ensures that there is energy to use these elements.

Suitable for use with all growing media and substrates

CANNABOOST is a universal bloom stimulator, which means that it can be used with any growing system and in combination with any food without exception. In addition to adding CANNABOOST to the substrate, it can also be used as a foliar spray (foliar feed). The advantage of this is that the plant can absorb the bloom stimulator directly via the leaves.

Better maturing and strengthened immune system
CANNABOOST contains flowering stimulators that ensure a powerful ripening. It also helps to develop fruit evenly and close the bloom more strongly. Thanks to the improved energy regulation, the plant also has enough energy to withstand diseases. If there is no energy in the right place, diseases will often strike, just when it is disastrous for the harvest.


  •  Shake the bottle well before use; Administer in the ratio 1:500 (20 ml per 10 liters of tap water).

  •  For any extra flowering power, maximum concentration 1:250 (40 ml per 10 liters of tap water).

  • CANNABOOST Accelerator can be used in combination with all other CANNA products.

  • Never give simultaneously with hydrogen peroxide products.

  • Dispense diluted solution within 7 days.

  • CANNABOOST Accelerator can be administered manually, via drip irrigation and/or foliar spraying (1:500 ratio).

  • Apply CANNABOOST Accelerator in combination with regular plant food.

Other instructions

  • CANNABOOST Accelerator is not a power supply, so it is not a replacement for CANNA PK 13/14. Use CANNABOOST Accelerator combined with CANNA PK13/14 for optimal results.

  • Apply CANNABOOST in combination with regular plant food.

  • Store frost-free, closed and dark.

  • Keep out of reach of children.